利益觀(guān) 客戶(hù)利益優(yōu)先,滿(mǎn)足客戶(hù)利益是我們共同利益得以可持續發(fā)展的前提,保持各方利益平衡,使企業(yè)、股東、客戶(hù)、員工、合作者、社會(huì )方面利益得以滿(mǎn)足。
價(jià)值觀(guān) 公司的全部?jì)r(jià)值來(lái)源于知識、資本以及高素質(zhì)員工的勞動(dòng)。依據貢獻、能力、責任和工作態(tài)度等要素,采取客觀(guān)公正和可持續發(fā)展的原則進(jìn)行價(jià)值分配。運用按資分配與按勞分配相結合的方式,以發(fā)展機會(huì )、職權、工資、獎金、紅利及其他福利待遇形式實(shí)現價(jià)值分配。
管理觀(guān) 管理目標:人盡其才,物盡其用。管理原則:決策科學(xué)化、執行權威化、管理制度化。管理要點(diǎn):科學(xué)的計劃指定,嚴謹的程序控制。
競爭觀(guān) 視競爭為企業(yè)發(fā)展保持活力的關(guān)鍵所在。提供公平的競爭機會(huì ),采用公正的評選標準。
以人為本 以人為導向的管理思維,尊重和欣賞自己的員工,是實(shí)施人本管理的基礎條件。人本管理實(shí)際上就是嚴格管理和感情投資。
View of interest
Giving priority to customer interests and satisfying the interests of customers are the preconditions for the sustainable development of our common interests. The interests of all parties are balanced so that the interests of enterprises, shareholders, customers, employees, partners, and society can be fully satisfied.
The full value of the company comes from knowledge, capital, and the work of highly qualified employees. According to factors such as contribution, ability, responsibility, and work attitude, the principle of objective and fair and sustainable development should be adopted for value distribution. The use of a combination of distribution according to capital and distribution according to work is used to realize the distribution of value in the form of development opportunities, authorities, wages, bonuses, bonuses, and other forms of benefits.
Management concept
Management objectives: people do their best and make the best use of it. Management principles: scientific decision-making, executive authority, and institutionalized management. Management points: Scientific plan designation, rigorous program control.
The concept of competition
The key to maintaining long-lasting vigor is the competition. Provide fair competition opportunities and use fair selection criteria.
people oriented
People-oriented management thinking, respect and appreciation of their own employees is the basic condition for the implementation of humanistic management. People-oriented management is actually strict management and emotional investment.